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Scharzhofberger Pergentsknopp, Van Volxem 2014

Subregion Germany > Mosel
Grape VarietyRiesling

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Tasting Notes

(Van Volxem Scharzhofberger Riesling P.) AP: 17 15. The Scharzhofberger “P.” comes from older vines in the Pergentsknopp, a prime sector higher up the Scharzhofberg vineyard. This offers a complex nose of bergamot, yellow fruit (including a hint of apricot) and herbs and spices. This raw diamond comes over as clean and creamy on the palate yet hints already at a rather baroque expression of Scharzhofberger. It is still rather firm at this stage but should prove irresistible in a few years’ time. 2019-2029

Jean Fisch & David Rayer, Mosel Fine Wines (29), October 2015
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